Thursday, August 18, 2011

ARS Risk Reduction Reviews - Action Plans and Corrective Actions

One of the most important aspects of any audit is getting, not just the results (findings), but also the action plan (corrective actions). Developing and completing the action plan is often the most complicated and time consuming part of the whole process. The completed audit is truly only half the battle.

It can take a week or longer to put together a good action plan and too often this gets put on the "back burner" because of other priorities. The resulting action plans are many times not worth the paper they are printed on. Worse still, the problems identified in the audit do not get corrected and procedures are not put in place to prevent them from reoccurring in the future.

With ARS Risk Reduction Reviews, 100% completed action plans with corrective actions, regulatory standards, SOPs, references, target completion dates and responsible person(s) are generated at the closing conference before the auditor leaves. As a result, work on the action plan can begin immediately.

All problems areas discovered during the audit are delineated on the action plan, along with:

  • Detail Regarding Exactly What the Deficiences Were
  • Corrective Actions (professionally developed by experienced experts)
  • Responsible Person(s) assigned to implement the corrective actions
  • Target Completion Date
  • Actual Completion Date
  • References to Company SOPs, Policies, Contracts, Manuals, etc.
  • References to Regulatory Standards (DOT, OSHA, EPA, ADA, etc).
The action plan is a working document saved as a Microsoft Excel worksheet that can be edited by management staff.

Everyone involved knows what has to be done, when it has to be done, why it has to be done and exactly who is responsible for each and every deficiency found on the audit.

This 100% completed action plan helps to ensure that corrective actions are understood and are actually implemented so that the problems do not reoccur.

For more information about Risk Reduction Review Services at Austian's Risk Services, Inc., please checkout our website at:

ARS Risk Reduction Reviews

Thursday, August 11, 2011

ARS Risk Reduction Reviews - Getting the Data Out is Easy

With any database application, entering your data is only half the battle. Many database applications may handle data entry (inputs) reasonably well (or not), but then fail when it comes to quickly and easily producing meaningful results in the form of reports, charts/graphs, exports, etc (outputs). Unfortunately, applications all too often look like something only your IT department would love to use.

The learning curve just to figure out how to enter your audit data can be steep enough, but then you go to print something (to get the data out) and discover you have to fight the application all over again just to print even the simpliest report. You will often be asked to enter "Parameters", "Date Ranges", "Generate" something called a "Query", etc., before you can even know what the report will look like. Even frequently used standardized reports can require considerable training and expertise to generate (something the vendor will be happy to offer and charge you for).

With ARS Risk Reduction Reviews printing reports, charts/graphs and exporting data is just as quick and easy as entering the data was in the first place. A single click on a button is all it takes to produce any type of output. One-click Reports. One-click Charts/Graphs. One-click Exports. One-click Screenshots.

Also, everything is automatically previewed first so you know exactly what you are getting before you produce the report, chart/graph, export, etc. This makes learning how to use ARS Risk Reduction Reviews a snap. It also nicely accomodates the laptop user who may not always want to carry a printer around with them everywhere they go.

This "expertise" and "skill set" carries over to each and every report, chart/graph or export throughout the entire application. Once you have mastered clicking on one button, you will have completely mastered the process for ALL of them. In addition, it makes generating any kind of output a very rapid fire process you can learn with little or no training or reference to a user guide or, heaven forbid, the dreaded and never used F1 Help emergency option!

Top 10 Things to Know About Reports, Charts/Graphs and Export Options:

  1. With a Single Mouse Click on a Button You Can Produce Any Type of Output
  2. Outputs are Always Previewed First (Nothing Goes Directly to a Printer)
  3. Outputs can be Printed, Emailed, Saved as PDF Files or Converted to Image Files (BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF), etc.
  4. You Can Export Your Data to Excel and Create Your Own Reports and Graphs, Databases, etc.
  5. A Printer is Not Required
  6. Customization of Reports, Charts/Graphs, Exports, etc., is Available
  7. Top N Reports, Charts/Graphs and Exports Take Only Seconds to Produce
  8. Presentation Quality Output is Available for Use in PowerPoint Presentations, Word, etc.
  9. Even Screenshots Can Be Used as a Report with a Single-Click on a Button
  10. Very Little or No Training is Required to Learn How to Get Your Data Out!
To learn more about Risk Reduction Review Services at Austian's Risk Services, Inc., please check out our website at:

ARS Risk Reduction Reviews